How do I find my computers hardware specs?

When you experience an issue with the software, it is helpful for us to understand the machine you are editing on. You can get this information by following the steps outlined below: 


Tip: Please reboot your system before creating the DxDiag file

  1. Press the Windows Key+ R.
  2. Type in DxDiag and press Enter or click OK. This will open the DirectX diagnostic tool.
  3. Click on the Save All Information Button.
  4. Save this file to your Windows desktop and name it Dxdiag.
  5. Attach this to your support message.


  1. Click the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your Mac.
  2. From the drop down menu pick the option: About This Mac.

The window that opens should show you the information you need including processor speedmemory, and graphics card information, you can then get more details by clicking the tabs such as Storage and Memory.

Please can you screenshot each of these pages and send them to us.

Also let us know about the issue and if possible, send across a screen recording to help us diagnose the problem. 



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